
NetTradeX PC
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Interfaces are language structures that determine what methods should be described by the class that implements this interface. If a programmer creates a class that implements a particular interface, this class implements all the methods defined in the interface. In order to specify the interface, use the keyword interface

Example. Let's create a class (MyClass) that implements BasicInterface interface:

interface BasicInterface
    void Do1();
    void Do2();
class MyClass : BasicInterface
    void Do1()
		// Perform any action #1
    void Do2()
		// Perform any action #2 

A class can implement multiple interfaces, for which it is necessary to separate a list of interfaces by commas.

Let us see an example of polymorphism, work with classes, interfaces and inheritance.

// Let us create the interface I and the classes A and B, implementing this interface
interface I 
	void Print();
class A : I 
	void Print()
		System.Print("Class A");
class B : I 
	void Print()
		System.Print("Class B");
int Run()
	I @i1 = A();  
	I @i2 = B();


Class A
Class B