
Deal Management
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NetTradeX Advisors
Deal Management

int64 Open(const string& in symbol,double volume,float price,uint16 cmd,bool islock,float sl,float tp,bool byanyprice,uint max_deviation,uint trailing_dist)

Opening a position1.


  • string symbol - symbol for trading
  • double volume - volume
  • float price - opening price
  • uint16 cmd - direction
  • bool islock - lock flag
  • float sl - stop loss price
  • float tp - take profit price
  • bool byanyprice - open at any price flag
  • uint max_deviation - maximum deviation from opening price
  • uint trailing_dist - trailing stop distance

When the result is successful the unique deal identifier is returned.

If case of failure, 0 is returned, and error code can be found via System.LastError.


bool Modify(int64 id,float sl,float tp,uint trailing)

Modifying an existing position.


  • int64 id - position ID
  • float sl - stop loss price
  • float tp - take profit price
  • uint trailing - trailing stop distance

Returned value - flag of successful position modification. In case of failure, the error code can be found via System.LastError

bool Unlock(const string& in symbol,int64 dealid1,int64 dealid2)

Unlocking a pair of existing positions of the opposite direction.


  • string symbol - position symbol
  • int64 dealid1 - first position ID
  • int64 dealid2 - second position ID

Returned value - flag of successful position unlocking. In case of failure , the error code can be found via System.LastError

bool Close(int64 id,float bid,float ask,bool byanyprice,uint max_deviation)

Closing the existing position.


  • int64 id - position ID
  • float bid, ask - closing prices
  • bool byanyprice - closing at any price flag
  • uint max_deviation - maximum deviation from closing price

Returned value - flag of successful position closure. In case of failure, the error code can be found via System.LastError

bool Select(int64 sel,int mode)

Selects a deal for future reference to its properties.


  • int64 sel - ID or a position of a deal, depending on selection mode
  • int mode - deal selection mode


Deals Properties (selected position properties)

Before using position properties, the position should be selected by the function Select().

  • int Total - returns the number of open positions (the preliminary invoke of the function Select is not necessary)
  • int64 ID - unique position ID
  • string Symbol - position symbol
  • uint16 Direction - direction
  • double Volume - position volume
  • bool IsLock - position lock
  • datetime OpenTime - open time
  • float OpenPrice - close time
  • float SL - stop loss
  • float TP - take profit
  • bool TrailingActive - trailing activity flag
  • uint TrailingDistance - trailing distance
  • double Swap - deal swap

1 If positions of opposite directions are being opened with the flag islock=true, their symbols coincide with one another and their volumes are equal, the positions collapse and Open() function for the second position returns a non-zero value.