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Inheritance of classes
NetTradeX PC
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NetTradeX Advisors
Inheritance of classes

The NetTradeX language supports inheritance from a single base class. When your derived class inherits from a base class, it implements all the methods and properties of the base class, at the same time it may override methods of the base class.

When implementing a derived class, constructor calling the base class constructor may be needed, this can be accomplished by using the keyword super . If the derived class does not call the base class constructor, the compiler will automatically call the default base class constructor.

Example of the class inheritance procedure:

class Base
	int a;
	Base(int a)
		System.Print("Base conscructor is evoked");
class Derived: Base
	int b;
	Derived(int a,int b)
	    System.Print("Derived conscructor is evoked");
int Run()
    Derived x(5,10);
    System.Print("a="+x.a+" b="+x.b);


Base constructor is evoked
Derived constructor is evoked
a=5 b=10
Converting an instance of a derived class object into an instance of the base class object can be done as follows:
class Base
	int a;
	Base(int a)
		System.Print("Base conscructor is evoked");
class Derived: Base
	int b;
	Derived(int a,int b)
	    System.Print("Derived conscructor is evoked");
int Run()
    Derived x(11,22);
    Base @bObj=x;

The class can be specified with the keyword final before class , in which case the class cannot be inherited. Also final can be specified before any class method that will lead to a ban of overriding this method in a derived class.

final class A
//This inheritance is forbidden
//class B: A
class C
	void D() final 
	void E()
class F: C
	// Can redefine the E method
	void E()
	//This override is prohibited
	//void D()
int Run()