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Object Bars
NetTradeX PC
NetTradeX Android
NetTradeX iOS
NetTradeX Mobile
NetTradeX Advisors
Object Bars

Bars object provides access to the history of symbol bars.

Bars Object methods :

Method name Description
int Total(const string& in symbol,int interval) number of symbol bars symbol for the interval interval, set by one of the constants.
double Open(const string& in symbol,int interval,uint pos) opening price of the bar in the position pos for the symbol symbol and the interval interval, set by one of the constants.
double High(const string& in symbol,int interval,uint pos) maximum price for the bar in the positionpos for the symbolsymbol and the interval interval, set by one of the constants.
double Low(const string& in symbol,int interval,uint pos) minimum price for the bar in the positionpos for the symbol symbol and the interval interval, set by one of the constants.
double Close(const string& in symbol,int interval,uint pos) closing price of the bar in the positionpos for the symbol symbol and the interval interval, set by one of the constants.
double Volume(const string& in symbol,int interval,uint pos) bar volume in the positionpos for the symbol symbol and the interval interval, set by one of the constants.
datetime Time(const string& in symbol,int interval,uint pos) time of the opening bar in the positionpos for the symbol symboland the interval interval, given by one of the constants.