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Constants for working with charts
NetTradeX PC
NetTradeX Android
NetTradeX iOS
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NetTradeX Advisors
Constants for working with charts

Constants for working with color


indicator line drawing types

  • ltLine - line. Connects all of the values
  • ltSection - line. Does not connect the values specified by SetIndexEmptyValue
  • ltHistogram - histogram
  • ltZigzag - zigzag

Indicator line styles

  • lsSolid - continuous
  • lsDash - dashed
  • lsDot - dotted
  • lsDashDot - dashed-dotted 1
  • lsDashDotDot - dashed-dotted 2

Averaging methods (MA modes)

  • maSimple - Simple
  • maExponential - Exponential
  • maSmoothed - Smoothed
  • maLinear - Linear

Price modes

  • apClose - close price
  • apOpen - open price
  • apHigh - high price
  • apLow - low price
  • apMedian - median price
  • apTypical - typical price
  • apWeighted - weighted price