Kullanim Kilavuzu

Terminal settings window
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Terminal settings window

"Terminal settings" window

General terminal settings may be changed in the "Terminal settings" window. To open it, do one of the following:

  • Press "Terminal settings" button in the "Terminal" toolbar.
  • Go to "Settings –> Terminal" in the menu bar.

Settings are grouped in tabs. Settings are described in full guide sections corresponding to every particular function of the terminal.

The "Terminal settings" window contains the following elements:

  1. The "Network" tab.
    • 1.1. The list of real trade servers ( see "Network settings" section "Arranging trade servers in order" subsection.
    • 1.2. The list of demo trade servers ( see "Network settings" section, "Arranging trade servers in order" subsection ).
    • 1.3. Proxy settings ( see "Network settings" section, "Proxy settings" subsection).
  2. The "Terminal" tab.
  3. The “Trade” tab.
    • 3.1. Default locking (see "Trading settings" section "Setting default locking" subsection, see "Order settings" section "Setting default locking" subsection.
    • 3.2. Default volume ( see "Trading settings" section, "Setting default volume" subsection ).
    • 3.3. Default order activation rates (see “Trading settings” section, "Setting default order activation rates" subsection, ee “Order settings” section, "Setting default order activation rates" subsection.
    • 3.4. Default order duration ( see "Order settings" section, "Setting default order duration" subsection ).
    • 3.5. Default Trailing stop distance ( see "Trading settings" section, "Setting default Trailing stop distance" subsection, see "Order settings" section, "Setting default Trailing stop distance" subsection.
    • 3.6. Default deviation ( see "Trading settings" section, "Setting default deviation" subsection ).
  4. The “News” tab.
    • 4.1. Receiving news ( see "News settings" section "News receiving" subsection ).
    • 4.2. News subscription payment ( see "News settings" section, "News subscription payment" subsection).
    • 4.3. Storing news ( see "News settings" section, "Saving news" subsection).
    • 4.4. News loading (see "News settings" section, "News loading" subsection ).
  5. The "Colors and fonts" tab.
  6. The "Chart" tab.
  7. The “Windows” tab.
  8. The “Miscellaneous” tab.
  9. The “OK” button confirming the changes and closing the window.
  10. The “Cancel” button for exiting without saving the changes.
  11. The “Apply” button for confirming the changes without closing the window.