Kullanim Kilavuzu
Operators and Expressions
NetTradeX PC
NetTradeX Android
NetTradeX iOS
NetTradeX Mobile
NetTradeX Advisors
User Guide for NTTX Advisors
- NetTradeX Advisors Terminal
NetTradeX Language: Introduction
- Language Basics
- Language Functions
Language System Objects
- Deal Management
- Order Management
- Indicators
- Object-Oriented Programming
DLL files
Object Account
Object Bars
Object Chart
Object datetime
Object History
Object file
Object Globals
Object Math
Object Symbols
Object System
Operators and Expressions
Arithmetic operators
Addition of values: | a=b+c; |
Subtraction of values: | a=b-c; |
Multiplication of values: | a=b*c; |
Division of values: | a=b/c; |
Remainder of a division: | a=b%c; |
Sign change: | a=-a; |
Increment: | a++ |
Decrement: | a-- |
String operators
String concatenation | a=b+c; |
Assignment operators
Assigning the A value to the variable B | B = A; |
The sum of A and B is assigned to the variable А | A += B; |
The difference between the values A and B is assigned to the variable А | A -= B; |
The product of the values A and B is assigned to the variable A | A *= B; |
Quotient from the division of A into B is assigned to the variable A | A /= B; |
The bitwise operation of A AND B with the result assignment to A | A &= B; |
The bitwise operation A OR B with the result assignment to A | A |= B; |
The bitwise operation exclusive OR between A and B, with the result assignment to A | A ^= B; |
Logical and relational operators
TRUE if B equals to A | B == A; |
TRUE if B does not equal to А | B != A; |
TRUE if B is less than A | B < A; |
TRUE if B is less that or equal to A | B <= A; |
TRUE if B is greater than A | B > A; |
TRUE if B is greater than or equal to A | B >= A; |
TRUE if A or B is equal to TRUE | A || B; |
TRUE if both A and B are equal to TRUE | A && B; |
Bitwise operators
Bitwise NOT | ~A; |
Shifting the binary representation of B to A bits to the right | B >> A; |
Shifting the binary representation of B to A bits to the right (the bit sign does not change) | B >>> A; |
Shifting the binary representation of B to A bits to the left | B << A; |
Bitwise OR for the A and B numbers | A|B; |
Bitwise AND for the A and B numbers | A&B; |
Exclusive OR for the A and B numbers | A^B; |
Operators precedence
The following table shows the precedence of NetTradeX language operators. Operators with the highest precedence appear at the top of the table.
* / % | Multiplication, division, and modulus |
+ - | Addition and subtraction |
<< >> | Bit-shift |
& | Bitwise AND |
^ | Bitwise exclusive OR |
| | Bitwise OR |
<= < >= > | Comparison operations |
== != | Equality/inequality operations |
&& | Logical AND |
|| | Logical OR |
?: | Ternary operation |
= += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>= | Assignment |