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Network settings
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Network settings

When working via proxy server a user should set its parameters. It can be done by opening “Terminal settings”: Go to “Settings –> Terminal”.

The necessary tab will appear by default. In the “Terminal settings” window:

1. Open the “Network” tab.

2. Put a tick in the “Enable proxy” checkbox.

3. Press the “Proxy” button.

4. In the opened “Proxy settings” window enter server, port, type (HTTP, Socks5), password and login, required to access the proxy server (if necessary).

5. Confirm changes by pressing “ОК” button.

6. Confirm new network settings by pressing “OK” or “Apply” in the “Terminal settings” window.

Please note that if the proxy-server has a firewall, the following ports must be open:

  • 80 (НТТР, ТСР, outgoing), 21 (FTP, ТСР, outgoing), 1441 (ТСР, outgoing), 1442 (ТСР, outgoing) for real accounts.
  • 8080 (Socks4, ТСР, outgoing), 1443 (ТСР, outgoing) for demo accounts.