Kullanim Kilavuzu

Setting chart types
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Setting chart types

Setting chart types

Instrument charts can be of the following types:

To change a chart type, do one of the following:

  • Press “Bars chart”, “Candles chart” or “Lines chart” in the “Chart main” toolbar.
  • Right-click in an instrument chart window and press “Type –> <Type>”.
  • Go to “Chart –> Type –><Type>” in the menu bar.

“Bars” chart

Every single bar has the following values: opening price, closing price, high and low over a given period of time.

“Candles” type

Every single bar has the following values: opening price, closing price, high and low over a given period of time. Besides, the color of Japanese candles displays the closing price (increase/decrease) in relation to the previous closing price.

This is the default view for an instrument chart if it doesn’t imply a tick chart (see “Setting chart timeframes”).

“Lines” chart

The chart represents a broken line, connecting closing prices of every period of time.

This chart type is used only for displaying tick charts and Chart %.