Kullanim Kilavuzu

Chart history settings
NetTradeX PC
NetTradeX Android
NetTradeX iOS
NetTradeX Mobile
NetTradeX Advisors
Chart history settings

Chart history settings

Chart history is saved locally. To customize chart history, go to the “Terminal settings” window.

Customizing charts history depth

To customize charts history depth, go to the “Terminal settings” window:

  1. Go to the “Chart” tab.
  2. Choose the necessary value from the “Charts history depth [Bar]” drop-down list.

  3. Press “OK” or “Apply” to confirm changes.

Reducing chart history depth

The trade terminal allows reducing chart history:

  • After disconnect.
  • Before connect.
  • Manually only.

To reduce the chart history depth, go to the “Terminal settings” window:

  1. Go to the “Chart” tab.
  2. Choose an option from the “Reduce history” drop-down list.

  3. Press “OK” or “Apply” to confirm changes.

Deleting chart history

To delete chart history:

  1. Go to the “Chart” tab.
  2. Delete history by doing one of the following:

    • Press “Reduce history depth to preset value” to delete a specified part of history.
    • Press “Delete all history” to erase all chart history.
  3. Press “OK” or “Apply” to confirm changes.