
Main Document Features
NetTradeX PC
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NetTradeX Advisors
Main Document Features

In the main menu of the Trade Terminal in the 'File' branch there is a command 'Print Page Setup' which allows to set parameters of printing.

All printable documents are printed on base of a template. Each document contains apart from the window content the following additional data:

  • Document's title;
  • Current page's number and total number of pages in this format:
    'Page ' current_page_number ' of ' all_pages_count;
  • Company's name;
  • Date and time of printing in this format: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm

Additional data is printed in the header and footer of the document.

If the vertical or horizontal image size turns to be smaller than the printable area, then the proportional levelling of the image is made:

  • horizontal - to the left;
  • vertical - to the right.

Additional data is printed using the Arial type, size: 12, header/footer height: 12.