
How to Dock Windows
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How to Dock Windows

Quick deal windows and information windows can be docked with the main window or with each other.

In order to dock the quick deal windows, they must be in floating mode. To do so user needs to left click on the title of the window. Then, holding the button, the user should drag the window to the chosen location. The new location will be illuminated with a black and white frame. To fix the new location, the user should release the left mouse button. Notice that quick deal windows can be docked only to the main window or with each other.

Information windows can be docked “one above other,” with the remaining windows hidden underneath. This creates a single window (block of windows) with bookmarks.

To add a window to this block the user needs to left click on the window’s title and, while holding the button, drag it inside the block. An icon that looks like the small square with four arrows (left, right, up, down) will appear on the screen. If the cursor and window are moved into the middle of the square icon and the left mouse is released, then docking window will be in the block and a bookmark will be created for this window. If the cursor and window are moved to one of the arrows then the window will be docked to the one of the edges of the block and will be stretched to the length of this edge. It will not be included in the block and no bookmark will be created for it. It is also possible to dock the window to one of the edges of other separate window (not only block). Docked windows or blocks and windows can be moved or changed in the same way as a single window.

To get the information window from the block, the user should left click on the appropriate bookmark, and while holding the mouse button, drag the information window to the necessary location.

This window (or even whole block of docked windows) can be further docked to any of four edges of main terminal’s window. When the user grabs the docking window (or block of windows) with the mouse, holding its left button, then four icons will appear at the each edge of the main window this icons will look like square with arrow directed to the appropriate edge. If the user drags the docking window to such an icon, the window will be docked to the appropriate edge of main window and will be stretched to the length of this edge. If the edge has already docked to a window, then the new window will be docked to the edge of this window (or block of windows) but not to the main terminal’s window.

If the window is “Grabbed” with the mouse and moved to any place of the screen, but it is not docked with the edge of main window (or any other window docked to the edge) via icons with arrows, it becomes “unbound.” The “unbound” window will remain attached to the place on the screen and not to the terminal until the window is moved again.