User Guide

NetTradeX PC
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How to set an alert

To set an alert:

  1. Click “Add alert” in the “Alerts” information window.
  2. Choose a type of event which will trigger the alert in the “Adding alert: Event” window.
  3. Press “Next”.
  4. Set specific alert conditions in the “Adding alert: Condition” window. This window won’t be displayed if the following events are chosen: “Reconnection with server”, “Loss of connection with server”, “Short margin”, “Balance Operation performed”.
  5. Press “Next”.
  6. Set alert general properties in the opened window.
  7. Press “Done”.


How to edit an alert

To edit an alert:

  1. Double-click the corresponding line in the “Alerts” information window.
  2. Change alert properties in the “Alert” window.
  3. Confirm by pressing “OK” or “Apply”.


How to suspend an alert

To suspend an alert:

  1. Click an alert in the “Alerts” information window or select several alerts by holding “Ctrl”.
  2. Right-click the selected lines and press “Suspend alert(s)”.


How to resume an alert

To resume an alert:

  1. Click an alert to be resumed in the “Alerts” information window or select several alerts by holding “Ctrl”.
  2. Right-click the selected alert(s) and press “Resume alert(s)”.


How to remove an alert

To delete an alert:

  1. Click an alert to be removed in the “Alerts” information window or select several alerts by holding “Ctrl”.
  2. Right-click the selected lines and press “Remove alert(s)”.


How to remove all alerts

To remove all alerts:

  1. Right-click in the “Alerts” information window and press “Remove all”.
  2. In the opened window press “Yes” to confirm.


How to export alerts

To export alerts:

  1. Right-click in the “Alerts” information window and press “Export alerts”.
  2. Set the path to a file, alerts will be exported to, and confirm the operation.

Exporting progress is displayed in the “Export events” window. If exporting is still in progress, it may be interrupted by pressing “Cancel”. When exporting is over, close the window by pressing “OK”.


How to import alerts

To import alerts:

  1. Right-click in the “Alerts” information window and press “Import alerts”.
  2. Set the path to a file, alerts will be imported from, and confirm the operation.

Importing progress is displayed in the “Import events” window. If importing is still in progress, it may be interrupted by pressing “Cancel”. When importing is over, close the window by pressing “OK”.
