User Guide
- Introduction
- Account Opening
Lock Mode
- Market Order
- Pending Order
- How to Set Pending Order
How to Delete Orders
How to Change Orders
Orders Take-Profit and Stop-Loss. Mode “Trailing Stop Distance”
- How to Close the Opened Position
How to Unlock a Position
PCI Trading
Withdrawal requests
- Trading
- Pending orders
- Indicators
- Graphical Objects
- Alerts
- News
Lock Mode
User Interface
- Main Window
Terminal interface
- General settings
- Customize Windows Position
- Charts
- How to Set Indicators
How to Modify Indicators
- Graphical Objects
How to Manage Charts History
Withdrawal Request
How to Set Alerts
- Printing
Customizing Financial Instrument List
- Import Settings
- Trading instruments
- Information Windows
- Windows Operation Factors Settings
- Workspace of Login
- Using Templates
- Setting terminal elements display
- Network connections
Export Settings
- Quick start guide
- F.A.Q.
Via the “Terminal” command (in “Settings” of main window menu) “Terminal settings” dialog window can be opened. This window consists of five bookmarks:
- Network – settings of server addresses and ports;
- Trade – trade settings;
- News – settings of news retrieving;
- Terminal - choice of language Terminal (for a change of language terminal should restart);
- Colors and fonts – fonts and color settings;
- Charts – a selection of chart templates and chart history customization;
- Windows – a selection of windows type;
- Miscellaneous – terminal auto update system settings, Alerts, Export and Charts History settings and other settings.
Window with “Network” bookmark consists of two main sub-windows: “Real trade servers, in order to use” with the list of addresses and ports to access the server of Real accounts. And “Demo trade servers, in order to use” with the list of addresses and ports to access the server of Demo accounts. Each list id managed via “Add”, “Change”, “Delete”, “Up”, “Down”, and also each address receives a mark of its usage – it allows to modify lists; connection to the trade server starts from the first marked address of this list, in case if there are any problems with connection by this address (for example, unstable connection), system will automatically reconnect by second marked address from the list etc. In “Automatic reconnect in” field, user can set a time in seconds, after this time is expired, server will try to reconnect. After changing the settings used needs to press the “Ok” button (to see the result first user can press the “Apply” button).
If put in the box labeled “Enable proxy” and click “Proxy”, then go to the dialogue “Proxy settings” (this is necessary if a computer user goes on the Internet by proxy-server), in fields which address specify proxy port type (HTTP, SOCKS5, SOCKS4), and (if necessary, otherwise these fields empty) login and password access to the proxy server (this information can be found at the system administrator or provider).
Window with the “Terminal” contains a list for language selection Terminal (if the language changed, it must restart Terminal).
Window with “Trade” bookmark includes several groups of operation factors with fields that selected as “Default” (for dialogs “Market Deal” and “Set orders”): in “Locks” part “Use locks” field for Lock mode; in “Volume” part “Default value” for volume of the order (in first currency) and “Spin step” field to set the step of volume changing via arrows of scrolling; in “Rate” part “Spin step” field to change the step for price changing via arrows of scrolling; in “Orders” part “Default duration” field for long term orders.
Window with “Colors and fonts” bookmark includes 4 parts:
- “Window” includes the list of information windows and chart;
- “Colors” consists of two columns – “Element” (the list of elements of the window and setting the color for them) and “Color” with a field indication of color
- “Font” - with a button “Change font”
- “Templates” – tab where user can apply colors and fonts template from a list. Here you may also find the dialogue opening button.
A user at any moment can restore the default color and font settings by clicking on the appropriate button in the window.
In the “Charts” tab a user may select a template from the drop-down list, and configure a chart history:
- Select the chart history depth
- Select a method of cutting the chart history (after disconnecting from the server, before connecting to the server manually)
- Cut the chart history by a specified depth
- Delete all chart history.
In the tab “Windows” users may select from three types of newly opened windows by default (in the tab bar, floating bar, freely dragging the panel) for chart windows, quick deal windows, windows containing account history reports, and windows containing the history of orders reports.
“Miscellaneous” window includes 3 parts.
Section “Updates” with fields: “Allow automatic updates” – in case this field is marked, then process of updating will be performed automatically; “Check for updates” button – after the pressing this button the process of searching for a new version of will be initiated, the window “Сheck for updates” will appear (user can abort this process by pressing the “Cancel” button) if there is no new version, then “Trade terminal” window will appear with the following message – “Success. No new version available” further user needs to press “Ok” button.
The “Alerts” section with the following fields:
- “Delete closed alerts after...” (here you can set the time interval when the alerts should be removed);
- “Maximum number of message windows” with a list of options.
“Section "Export” to specify the details of the output format information windows in the file format (with the extension. Csv): “Fields Separator:” - specify the field (tab or a semicolon), “Separator replacement:” - separator replacement, “Decimal separator:”- mark an entire office in the fractional part of the numbers.
In the «Miscellaneous» tab user may disable the display of the “The result of trading operations” dialogue and disable the warning on the use of a template to a chart that contains indicators and / or graphical objects, by ticking the corresponding fields.
After changing the settings user needs to press the “Ok” button (to see the results first user can press the “Apply” button).