For Traders

NetTradeX trading platform is a complex of software products designed for trading in financial market. NetTradeX platform has a broad functionality that is necessary for traders to trade effectively and for brokeragecompanies to provide the widest possible range of services and high-quality customer service.

Trading Terminal NetTradeX has the following key features:

  • User-friendly interface with workspace management capabilities
  • A set of orders, including Trailing Stop which is implemented on the server
  • A wide choice of technical indicators
  • Ability to make a deal with 1 click
  • High degree of protection of personal and trade information

For traders’ comfort in the terminal not only the mechanism of watching quotations, immediate delivery of news on the major economic events, a detailed history of the account and balance operations have been implemented, but also the ability to withdraw funds instantly. And all of these features are also implemented in the mobile versions of the terminal.

Currently the following versions of NetTradeX terminal are available:

NetTradeX PC
trading-analytic terminal
NetTradeX Android
mobile version for Android OS devices
NetTradeX iOS
mobile version for iOS devices
NetTradeX Mobile
mobile version for Windows Mobile OS devices
NetTradeX Advisors
Additional terminal for Windows*

*The additional trading terminal, apart from common functional of trading and working with charts, provides automated trading with Advisors and graphical interface for managing positions and orders.

NetTradeX fully meets all the requirements that brokers impose on trading systems, allowing performing a wide range of tasks automatically.

NetTradeX includes a complete set of components needed for performing brokerage services in financial market. To perform manager functions for customer service, dealer operation and risk management, the following software was developed:

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Broker Terminal
for performing clients’ trading operations
Manager Terminal
administration of client accounts, financial instruments and other trading conditions
Risk Manager
monitoring of client's all positions, both in the whole company, and in any combination of client groups